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Sarah was the King of France at TiP East, Term II, 2005. (She battles for this title daily with Angie, who is also the King of France.) She took Knights in Shining Armor at that time, hence, the name.

She was also in Writer's Workshop at Kansas Term II in 2004, from whence she gained her knowledge of haiku, shoelaces, , breakdancing, as God, Ralin vs. , and a whole slew of other important things mostly involving either bunnies or the Dicatorship of the Novotnatariat.

She only went to TiP twice, as a third-year and a fourth-year. Telling her, or insinuating in her presence, that she is less cool, less informed, or less of "a true TiPster" for this reason may get your hurt, and annoys her greatly. (This happened many, many, many, many, many times during her fourth year at TiP East.)

She is a Markist hiding out in the Himalayas currently, and running broadband internet using meditation skills taught to her by Buddhist monks living underground. (For more information on underground Buddhist monks, please read Good Omens.)