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Back in the olden days of Davidson there was a RC Group (for Davidson does not have RAGs) that had the largest concentration of Wonderwarts TiPsters in the entire dorm. Because of this, we were very insane. In the good, ridiculous way.

Free time of the 2nd week was spent in Pamwise's room playing the Almighty Game of Mafia. A young TiPster with a newly very canon name had taught this game to her fellows and because of this, was the hall's official God for Mafia. The innocent (and not so innocent) townspeople of Gotham City were sure to revere said TiPster during the game and made sure to call her God throught the game to gain her favor. And you can thank Pamwise for calling me GOD outside of the game and making it stick.

So now you know the story of how I became GOD. Go spread TiPism to the infidels more commonly known as 2nd Years.

GOD is also the author of the ongoing TiPfic.

She is returning to TiP this upcoming summer as an RA in Texas.

Year TiPyear Campus Term Course Dorm RAG
2003 2nd Davidson II Myths and Legends Belk Tracey
2004 3rd Duke East II Past is the Present: Evolution of Fantasy Lit. Pegram Gwen
2005 4th Duke East II Play's the Thing Bassett Evelyn