Modern Med at Trinity

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Modern Medicine: Disease and Immunology at Trinity is a great class that 1st and 2nd year Tipsters can take. It involves learning about the immune system, the brain, the heart, and other body systems, and also many "cool" diseases.

Term One, 2018

Instructor: Nick TA: Katie

  • The Big Sad
  • Concentration and types of toes
  • Lunch theories
  • Medical ethics case study debates (with lots of confusion over religion and cancer) and CRISPR stuff
  • Wall ball (RIP) = TIP wide tennis ball ban which was basically all caused by this class
  • post-ban: Ninja with both hands and feet/ sitting on the stairs and playing on your phone
  • "That was the big dumb" in Ninja
  • The berries outside CSI
  • Anything with flu symptoms is HIV
  • "Think Zebras Not Horses"
  • Many different types of tag
  • Songs (and raps) about the immune system
  • Nick and Katie lost the hangman/trivia game the last day which led to a great punishment (said the punishment was not to be put on social media yet is definitely on social media)
  • Pre talent show impersonation of Katie - "You guys need to pay attention to this review game that I spent an hour preparing"
  • a ratio of 13 guys to 2 girls to 1 Noah to 1 Geetan (and there are 16 kids in our class, logic that out however you want)
  • Many TED talks and Unnatural Causes (and everyone loved Unnatural Causes a lot)
  • Observing the ID Tech kids in their natural habitats
  • Papier mache brain models
  • The adaptive immune response being really good at Pathogen

Term 2, 2018

Instructor: Nick TA: Katie

  • Tony getting preganant
  • Hurricane Katrina more like HURRICANE TORTILLA
  • <gasp> Adam
  • "Anime is for weebs" (Lobe-Fitch, 2018)
  • Micheal (or Bijuu Mike according to Catie) trying to be a part of our class
  • I LUUUUUUUUUUUV FORTNITE (Rip Jackson's voice)
  • Catie shipping everyone
  • MED GANG by Li'l Cell
  • Catie and Emily being stranded at the McLean building because of Jackson's prosthetic hand
  • "My culture is not your household pet" (Zhang, 2018)
  • "Kill them all off, they're just a waste of resources" (Zhang, 2018)
  • Lots of Card Games
  • Sy winning (totally) EVERY single game of Speed
  • Unhealthy obsession with the Wii Song
  • Garret's extreme hatred to the "Nico Ni" song (which a lot of people (namely Catie, Adam, Jackson, & Lilly) sang to trigger him)
  • Garret dabbing on the cat
  • Everyone sliding down the railing even though Katie said not to RIP (and Katie probably not actually caring that much if people did this)
  • Everyone getting PTSD (Post-Tip Sadness Disorder)
  • Jackson making people no longer want to attend Trinity University by his excessive "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"ing
  • Nick and Katie doing the Orange Justice on the last day and everyone chanting "shoot shoot shoot" to make them do that too