Manuela Martinez

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Year Year at TIP Campus Term Course RC Roommate(s)
2013 2nd Wake Forest II Algebra II Mary Willoughby No roommate, but my bathroom-mate was Kate Begley
2014 3rd Georgia Tech II Writing With Power Livy Colomb Miranda Grayzel-Ward
2015 4th Georgia Tech II Biomedical Engineering Bina Gallagher McPherson Newell

Manuela is a great person to have as a friend and a RAG mate. And this is even though she has a tendency to flip anyone and everyone the bird, even the cute "puppy" of the rag. She is a loyal friend who will continue to be one long after the term is over. And I really pity who over is stupid enough to insult her or her friends. But, if you do get on her good side it will be one of the best things you ever do, she's a great friend. (Note: She also has a hot pink gorilla attached to the back of her backpack.)