Little Miss Sunshine (LMS)

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Little Miss Sunshine was created by Mary Beth Dicks, one of the kindest and sunshine-y people that could've ever existed, at the end of Duke East Term II in 2015. During the last night, it was given to Emily Kim as the first official holder of the tradition. Little Miss Sunshines are outgoing, radiant, and make efforts to bring a smile onto the faces of all of the TiPsters of East Term II.

The LMS wears a flower crown in her hair as the relic. She heads the planning of the 4th years' Quadfest entrance, chant, and song. She also leads Spirit Week by example, encouraging all TiPsters to take advantage and part, and explaining the days and guidelines during TiP Llore.

Little Miss Sunshines:
2015: Created by Mary Beth Dicks
2016: Emily kim
2017: Sadie Jane Allen
2018: Carolina Mangru
2019: Isa St. Pierre Charles