Geoff Peterson

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Geoff "The Man" Peterson was the first of Mark Harvey's TIP assistants and was instrumental in the development of his teaching approach. He assisted Mark with , , and ). He was also an assistant and a member of the .

He first introduced mascots into Mark's classes, worked long and late hours doing silly projects to keep the students interested, and had a generally sophomoric and charming sense of humor. He was often seen sporting a Cyrillic Star Wars T-shirt and often heard rambling about philosophy in Beavis and Butthead dialects. He referred to his students as his "little chickens" and marched them in formation with the command, "Regulators! Let's ride!"

Geoff taught International Relations and Politics in Practice as an instructor at the University of Kansas in 2001 and left TIP after that session to take a job with the State Department in Russia.

Geoff currently works for the Department of Defense in Washington, D.C. He is and always will be known as "THE MAN" in "Mark not the man; Geoff the man."