Crest Challenge

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The Crest Challenge is still a tradition at TAMU Term 2, and has been passed along to TiP at Rice University. Basically what is done is all fourth years line up and the first one says, "I love crest toothpaste because it makes my teeth shine." Then the TiPster goes on brushes his teeth and swirls the brush in the cup of water. The second one says, "I love crest tooth paste because.." and so on until it gets to the last person in line. The last person says, "I love crest tooth paste because it tastes really good" then proceeds to chug the water. It consist of all fourth years with a brave one at the very end. This tradition is usually frowned upon by the staff but as long as the fourth years are up for it, it's a go(: NOTE: IT WAS BANNED IN 2016 BY THE ADMINS DURING TERM 1 AT RICE (edit: AND ALL OTHER CAMPUSES 2019). The past brave TiPsters to have completed the challenge are:

  • 2011: Kat Magee
  • 2012: Bee Haffey
  • 2013: Britt Barrientos
  • 2014: Jesus Miller II and Bradley Campbell
  • 2014: Dakota Watson (Rice Term 1)
  • 2015: Bobby Magee
  • 2015: Sahiti (Rice Term 1)
  • 2017: Hannah Leger (LSU Term 1)
  • 2017: Simon Marquez (LSU Term 2)
  • 2018: Nick Lenz (LSU Term 2)