Courtney Kasun

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Courtney Kasun was a three-time TIPster at the University of Kansas and a three-time TA for Politics in Practice and International Relations with instructor Mark Harvey. She attended TIP from 1998-2000, taking Mark's International Relations in 1999 and The Science and Art of Politics in 2000, becoming a charter member of Mark's first group, the . She returned to become his TA for two sessions in 2003 and during second session in 2004.

She was legendary for laying the smackdown with a smile and even as a student was a powerful leader. People joked that Courtney would "open a can of whoop ass" on any one who stepped out of line. She was also involved in the insurrection that became known as the Ivan Wars of 2003.

She left TIP after 2004 to pursue a career in nursing, studying at KU Medical Center. She currently lives in Colorado and works as a nurse.